Your Next Step: Virtual Growth Track
We believe in taking the next step, but before we can take a next step deeper into community, or into our relationship with Jesus, we have to be able to identify what that step may be. We want to invite you into taking a step into intentional community at Soul by enrolling in virtual Growth Track.
Even though we're all stuck at home, YOUNG LIFE and WILDLIFE are still happening! Students are invited to join YOUNGLIFE (Gr. 6-8) and WILDLIFE (Gr. 9-12) on the Zoom App for our Online Party! There will be games, prizes, a life lesson and time to connect in small groups!
COVID Care Response
At Soul Sanctuary, we believe that you can’t do life alone. In our current moment of social distancing and self-isolation we recognize the need to make an intentional effort to connect with our community. We’ve come up with a strategy to stay connected and to continually care for our community.
Staffing Update
Over the course of the last month there have been some staffing changes at Soul Sanctuary that are noteworthy.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Precautionary Considerations
Please take the time to read this update from the Soul Sanctuary Steering Committee regarding our weekend Gatherings.
School of Ministry: Work as Worship
Our Work is Worship course presents you with an opportunity to minister without money or travel. It prepares you for opportunities to minister to others outside the walls of the church building, especially in your workplace, that is, bringing Jesus into your work life in a respectful manner.
Is the Soul Internship for You?
Can we take time to acknowledge the fact that life is not a race? The way our world is trending makes us believe that by the time we reach any milestone in life we already need to know what comes next. This line of thinking can get us caught in pursuing our own plans instead of the plans that God has for us in Christ Jesus.
A Call to Prayer from Pastor Gerry
As we prepare for Easter I am calling the Soul Sanctuary community to a week of prayer together. We desire to see God move through our community with power, and such moves of God have often been precipitated by His people faithfully pursuing Him.
Travel to Ukraine with Your Church
We’d like to extend you an invitation to travel to Ukraine this July with a team from Soul Sanctuary. From July 4-15, 2020 our church will send a team of native English speakers to Ukraine to teach English to high school students at a youth camp in the Carpathian mountains.
Janice's Story: Welcome Home
This is the story of Janice, a woman in the Soul Sanctuary community who found community and connection right when she needed it most.
Steering Committee Leaders in Training Nominations
We’re currently accepting nominations for Steering Committee Leaders in Training! We believe in developing and equipping young people for church leadership.
5 Things from 2019 Worth Celebrating
2019 has been an exciting year here at Soul Sanctuary, together we have seen God’s goodness and faithfulness on full display! Here are five things that happened in 2019 that we can’t help but celebrate together.