We believe that we can make a difference.
God has given each person gifts, talents, and abilities to use in the service of others. By serving at Soul you discover a sense of purpose while making deep friendships with others in the community.
Service Teams
Below is a list of teams that operate at Soul and a description of what each team does. Reading through these teams may help you begin to imagine where you can serve in the Soul community. Once you’re ready to serve fill out the form and one of our team members will connect with you.
Our team uses our gift of administration to support the staff through project management, administrative skills, book keeping, organization, paperwork, and data entry.
Our team provides meals, visitation, as well as spiritual and emotional support to those who need pastoral care.
Our team prepares and serves coffee during our Sunday gatherings and special events.
Our creative team uses creative avenues to serve the church, including photography, videography, graphic design, and social media.
We lead small groups of 2 to 3 people that foster intentional relationships all the while seeking to be led by the Holy Spirit to become more like Jesus through corporate spiritual practices like reading Scripture and prayer.
Our team uses our gifts to complete general maintenance and construction related tasks around the facility on an as needed basis.
Our team aids with counting money, book-keeping, expense reconciliation and other administrative tasks. Some members of our team offer rudimentary financial education to the Soul community at large.
Our team welcomes people to Soul Sanctuary at the front doors and hands out any necessary information at the entrance to the sanctuary.
We are trained to facilitate Life Groups and equipped to build relationships while helping group members discover their next steps.
Our team provides prayer support for gatherings, teams and ministries at Soul. Our team also prays with people during Sunday morning gatherings.
Our team directs the production of the worship gatherings, using lights, cameras, and other visual elements.
Our team ensures that people find a seat during our Sunday gatherings. We further help people by answering questions and providing directions as needed.
Our team facilitates our gatherings by setting up carpets and chairs before our gatherings.
Our team directs the audio production of our worship gatherings, both for our online and in-person audiences.
Our team invests in the lives of children, Kindergarten through Grade 5, through Biblical teaching, small groups, and games.
Our team invests in the lives of children, age 2 through pre-K, through care, Biblical teaching, crafts, and age appropriate activities.
Our team facilitates the check-in process in Soul Kids to ensure children are cared for effectively and efficiently.
Our team helps students get connected to our YOUNG LIFE ministries through Friday and Sunday gatherings, small groups, retreats, conferences, and camps.
Our team helps students get connected to our Friday WILDLIFE ministries through worship gatherings, small groups, retreats, conferences, and camps.
Our team facilitates a powerful worship experience through vocals, instruments, and audio engineering.