Legacy Offering

From November 3 through December 31 we plan to give generously, above and beyond our regular tithes, as an act of worship that demonstrates our faith in what God has called our church to pursue in 2025.

What is the Legacy Offering?

An offering is a gift given over and above our tithes that serves a specific purpose. The Legacy Offering asks us to consider the investment that we are making in the life of our missions partners and our own church community.

Through this offering we will fund a series of vision-based initiatives that we have planned for 2025.

A Note from Pastor Gerry

As I reflect on 2024 I am humbled by how God continued his work in the life of this community. This year our church has grown by every discernible metric and we are excited by how the Lord will continue to lead us into the future and all that he has in store for us as a collective. I invite you to join with us as we give over and above our regular tithes to accomplish something together that we could never achieve alone.


Total Givers: 178
Total Given: $95,177

This Legacy Offering will fund a series of vision-based initiatives that we have planned for 2025.

  • Since 2023 we have been offering Ukrainian interpretation in our Sunday Gatherings. God has been bringing many people to Soul Sanctuary who speak a variety of languages and we have a desire to assist them as well. Wordly is an app that will translate up to 50 languages for those who are present in our Gathering.

  • In March of 2024 Pastor Alexey joined our staff team on a one year term with the purpose of ministering to the Slavic speaking  community. Since joining our team both Pastor Alexey and his wife Tonia have invested deeply in ESL, the Slavic community and other newcomers to Canada. Through Legacy offering funds and a partnership with another organization we plan to extend our commitment to Pastor Alexey to continue as our Newcomer’s Ministry Pastor.

  • Maranatha Christian Mission in Poland is an organization that desires to see Europe turned to Christ. At their school, European Christian Academy, they are preparing young leaders to go into Eastern Europe as church planters. We want to partner with a few other Canadian churches to help with the building of a dorm at the school.


Next Steps

What does it look like for you to give generously and sacrificially in this season of your life?

Ask God. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you decide on the amount to give.

Once you’re ready, give between November 3 and December 31.


 Ways to Give


Credit Card

You can give via Credit Card through Church Center.


You can send an Interac e-Transfer to info@soulsanctuary.ca, include “Legacy Offering” in the memo line.


Joy Basket

Place your cash, cheque, or debit machine offering in the Joy Basket on a Sunday or drop it off in the office during the week.


If you would like to donate securities, you can do so via CanadaHelps.