Missions Partners
We’re headed to Kenya!
We have a team going to serve alongside our missions partner at Little Hands School in Kenya this month to provide building and labour.
A second team is being put together for this summer and we’d love for you to be a part of it! This team will be serving with the kids at the school. Sign up to learn more about this opportunity!
Home of the Good Shepherd - Randy & Carla Redmann - Brazil
Randy and Carla have overseen Home of the Good Shepherd (HGS) in southern Brazil since 2004, which provides “a safe space for where children in Brazil can go to receive the care, refuge or healing they need.” HGS’s primary campus provides full-time, 24/7 care for children (ages 0-18) coming from unsafe living situations, “walking with them through their past towards a future with Jesus.” Here, HGS acts as a home for 60 to 80 kids at any time, grouping them into cottages in groups of 8 based on age and gender, where they will live with a ‘houseparent’ that watches over them. Combined with counselling, teaching useful life and work skills, and regular church gatherings, HGS works to provide a stable, safe, and Christ-centred environment to kids who have often known only chaos through abuse and gangs, so that without coercion or pressure, their kids can see truly dramatic transformation. HGS has recently partnered with Ursula’s Children’s Home, an outside-of-school day-care program for 3 month to 10 year-olds with nearly 200 kids, which provides food, homework help, musical and sport activities, and Sunday school-style programming for underserved kids.
Restricted Access Network - Murray & Shawna L. - A Restricted Access Nation
Shawna and Murray operate as global workers through the Restricted Access Network in an Asian country where their primary aim is discipleship and outreach. Working alongside other global workers within their country, they partner with an established university student house where they assist with various avenues of discipleship, especially helping students reconcile their new faith with the religious-laden cultural practices and social expectations they live within. Murray teaches conversational English and leadership development, and Shawna handles the administrative details of their work and runs a young adults ladies group. On weekends, they both travel to a rural village where they teach English to children and host Alpha meetings with young adults. Here, children, teens, and young adults all have significant responsibilities within their family units, so Shawna and Murray aim to provide a safe place where they can be at ease, learn, and grow. Their goal in all they do is to help children, students, and adults alike realize that there is hope and a purpose to their lives.
Helping Hands - Bernie & Celia Mascher - Kenya
Bernie and Celia oversee Helping Hands Organization of Kenya, a charitable organization based in Naivasha, Kenya, where they also lead a local church. Their main project is Little Hands School, founded in 2006, a pre-school and primary school that operates an inclusive education program, integrating children with intellectual and physical disabilities. In their context, children with special educational needs and disabilities may be marginalized and have few opportunities to attend school. Little Hands School gives these children the chance to go to school alongside other kids and provides support and encouragement as they learn and take part in the various aspects of school life. There are about 200 children in the school, with a quarter having significant and complex needs. Feedback from parents has been very positive as they see their children flourish in a caring and supportive environment.
Wycliffe - Bonnie & Evan Falk - Europe
Bonnie and Evan are sent by Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada to work with their primary ministry partner in the field, an international organization of over 4,000 people which works to translate the Bible into minority languages, but more holistically, pursues language justice. The aim is not merely to air-drop a Bible translation, but rather to equip minority language users, who often do not receive formal education in their own tongue, to be able to meaningfully engage with the Bible. They pursue this aim through empowering and resourcing their local, on-the-ground partners, who are relationally and culturally rooted within their local context, making possible what neither could do on their own. Bonnie is a project manager on the executive communications team, working to establish meaningful dialogue between the executive leadership team and the many teams in the field. Evan functions as the head of external engagement for Europe, North Africa, and Central Asia as part of a new effort to revitalise how stories are shared about the positive things happening in these often sensitive areas.
Living Word Temple - Winnipeg
Living Word Temple, located at the corner of Powers Street and Manitoba Avenue in the north end of Winnipeg, is a local church community which serves the local neighbourhood through Sunday services, a Harvest Manitoba food bank, local school programs, and a vairty of community and discipleship opportunities.
Missions Canada - Trevor Neufeld - Winnipeg
Trevor is a PAOC Missions Canada worker, serving in Cultural Ministry. Winnipeg has seen an influx of new immigrants and refugees seeking to create a new home for themselves. Those starting this new life often find themselves in need of support. Trevor engages in outreach initiatives, offering support to newcomers in practical ways while sharing the love of Christ through his actions, opening the door to life and faith conversations.
Global Leadership Collective - Raena Peters
Raena serves with the Global Leadership Collective (GLC) as Team Lead for Global Ministry Operations, working with the GLC Leadership Team and local ministry leaders across the globe. For many people dealing with issues such as the effects of abuse, addiction and generalized shame, the Church may not always feel like a safe place to open up about their struggles. The mission of GLC is to educate the Church and its leaders on such relational and spiritual issues by providing necessary training to support people who experience them. GLC equips, supports and mentors leaders who serve on the frontlines of discipleship across the globe. At present GLC serves 16 countries across the globe: Indonesia, Macau, India, Thailand, Cambodia, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Lithuania, Moldova, Italy, the Netherlands, and the US.
World Vision - Kenya
World Vision is a global Christian humanitarian organization which partners with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Soul has maintained an ongoing relationship with World Vision for several years, facilitating sponsorship campaigns for two locales in Kenya, Tunyo and Teveta. In 2019, in partnership with World Vision, Soul Sanctuary pioneered the first ever Chosen event in Canada, where participants signed up to have kids in Teveta choose their own sponsors from Soul. Through this, the Soul community collectively sponsored all of the 160 kids in Teveta through World Vision, as the community began its 15 year development plan with the organization.
Eleon Church - Ukraine
Soul Sanctuary has a longtime relationship with the Assemblies of God Church in Lutsk, Ukraine. Since the outbreak of war in the country, the church has been a leader among the Assemblies of God churches of Ukraine, and served as a significant international resource funnel and coordinating force for providing aid to those impacted by the conflict. The church has extensive experience with engaging with the local community, which they continue even under their strained resources, regularly visiting the local youth shelter, orphanage, elder-care centre, jail, and both civilian and military hospitals. They also continue to run outreach youth camps, and have established a church for war refugees in Czechia, Brno, and Prague. They rely on a very high proportion of volunteers to conduct all this outreach.