The Results of our 2023 Legacy Offering
As we look ahead to our 2024 Legacy Offering, it’s important to take a moment to step back and look at the fruit of Soul Sanctuary’s generosity in our 2023 Legacy Offering. Over 240 people gave generously and sacrificially, over and above their tithes, contributing over $95,000 towards the Legacy Offering last year. We’re excited to share how the funds we gave have made a difference in our community.
The Results of our 2022 Legacy Offering
Last year we set out a goal of raising $150,000, over and above our regular tithes, to fulfill three vision-based initiatives that would help us better actualize our vision of being a community of refuge, repair, and rejuvenation for all people. We’re excited to say that all three of our initiatives have been completed! Here is a breakdown of how the funds we gave have made a difference in our community.
“Sundays” Series Next Steps
Over the past five weeks our Sunday preaching has focused on exploring the “why” of our Sunday worship gatherings. Coming out of that series, here are five possible next steps that you can take in your relationship with God.
3 Ways Your Generosity Made a Difference This Year
We’re excited to say that as of October 2023, all three Legacy Offering initiatives have been completed! Here is a breakdown of how the funds we gave are making a difference in our community.
Legacy Offering Next Steps
In keeping with our desire to be a transparent and accountable community, here is an update on the dispersion of our Legacy Offering funds that were given in late 2022.
Summer Ministry at Soul
This year we will not receive federal funding for our summer camps, resulting in a $50,000 budget reduction. Instead of canceling our plans we are committed to ensuring a successful summer of kids and youth camps. Here is how you can help make this summer a the best summer yet!
Legacy Offering Next Steps
As of February 9, 2023 over 135 people have contributed a total of $149,789.03 towards our $150,000 goal, allowing us to work towards the fulfillment of all our initiatives! In keeping with our desire to be a transparent and accountable community, here is an update on our Legacy Offering initiatives.