Developing and empowering young leaders who are passionate about Jesus and His Church.

2024-2025 applications close September 3

This 10-month intensive program is designed to provide young adults (18-25) an introduction to theological education, experience in local church ministry, and adventure experiences. We desire to raise local church leaders who are inspired to pursue the mission of Jesus and the love of God, equipping them to reach out and minister to the Soul Sanctuary community, the city of Winnipeg, and the world at large.

Program Details


    Throughout the year, the internship team will embark on a number of outings where the team will grow together in Christ-like community all the while bonding as a team, having fun, and experiencing the diverse cultures found in our city, our province, and our country. These outings have included a retreat to Kenora, various local outings, and an end-of-year conference trip. The cost of these along with all team adventures are built into the cost of the internship.


    Our interns will be developed through accredited courses taken through Horizon College and Seminary. Our interns faith will be stretched and deepened all while they gain transferrable university college credits. Interns have also participated in local retreats, conferences, leadership development seminars, and in-house classes through Soul Sanctuary in order to be developed as followers of Jesus and as local church leaders.


    Interns will spend approximately 20 hours a week working and serving alongside Soul Sanctuary staff and servant leaders, leading in various capacities, hosting events at the church, and serving in ministry areas that fit their passions and gifts. Above all, the spiritual health and maturity of each intern is our utmost priority. With that, interns will be challenged in their faith and will be guided in the practice of spiritual disciplines where they will be encouraged to regularly practice these in their lives as they strive to seek after the Holy Spirit and his transforming work to become more like Jesus.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This program is designed for young adults ages 17-25 who have completed high school and have a growing passion for Jesus, His church and mission. You don't need to be perfect to apply, you simply need a desire to grow in your relationship with Christ and a willingness to have fun while doing it.

  • The price of tuition is $5,000. This cost covers all of your internship related costs, such as your courses through Horizon College and Seminary, our partnered accredited university, your adventure excursions and local experiences.

  • Courses and ministry placements all take place at Soul Sanctuary church in Winnipeg.

  • It is a 10 month program. The first semester begins after the September long weekend and the last week of class is in mid-June.

  • Applications are now open and close on September 3, 2024.

  • A central part of the program is the completion of courses through Horizon College and Seminary. Each semester you will earn 3 undergraduate credit hours, for a total of 6 credit hours by the completion of the program. These credit hours can be used towards the completion of a degree at Horizon or transferred to another post-secondary institution where the credits will be assessed for equivalency.


Mike Mundey

Discipleship Director

Email Mike →