2024 Legacy Offering Initiatives Report

A Note From Pastor Gerry.

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your participation and contribution to the 2024 Legacy Offering. Some people have asked what our goal was and in reality, the goal was two-fold. First, it was to see as many people as possible get involved in giving of their finances over and above their regular contributions. Secondly, our goal was to meet the financial needs of 3 initiatives that we presented to the community. 

The first initiative is the Wordly App, which provides live translation for over 50 languages during the gathering; secondly, covering half of Pastor Alexey’s salary for the year as our Newcomers Pastor at Soul while he partners with another global organization. As a global worker based in Canada, Alexey is busy teaching various subjects online to a specific Bible School in Eastern Europe, while also mentoring missionaries and leaders in parts of Eurasia. Third, we made a financial contribution to help with the completion of a Bible College in Warsaw Poland. 

This year we had 178 Donors give towards the Legacy Offering, totalling $95,177.32. As I said last Sunday Gratitude transforms life; generosity enables it. This display of your generosity will allow us to not only fulfill our 3 initiatives over the next year, thus making a tangible impact in the lives of many both here at Soul and overseas, but to do even more. The Steering Committee has also decided to add to the financial support of two missionaries, both of whom have roots here in our church community.

  • Trevor Neufeld is partnering with local churches to engage in ministry together for vulnerable newcomers of all kinds. He is working to bring the Church and our city together to care for those in their own neighborhoods, especially the least reached, including collaborating with the City of Winnipeg and local non-religious not-for-profits to expand the support network for refugees.

  • Raena Peters works for the Global Leadership Collective. Her role is to equip, support and mentor leaders who serve on the frontlines of discipleship to many countries across the globe. She works with many people dealing with issues such as the effects of abuse, addiction and generalized shame. Her mission is to educate the Church and its leaders on such relational and spiritual issues by providing necessary training to support people who experience them.

The leadership has also decided to place a portion of the legacy offering into an account for future property development entitled “Bricklayers”.  Currently, the leadership has taken the month of February to specifically pray and seek the direction of where GOD wants to take Soul Sanctuary in the near future. 

My prayer is that we all be filled and be transformed with GOD’s Holy Spirit so that we can bear the spiritual fruit of total generosity in our lives in order that it becomes a way of being, as one being created in the image of GOD. Thank you for participating and investing into the Kingdom of GOD. 


Wordly App


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