5 Things from 2023 Worth Celebrating
As we reflect on 2023 we see the undeniable presence of God at work in the corporate life of Soul Sanctuary. We’ve seen his faithfulness, favour, love, and peace manifested in our church community and we’re grateful for the year that was. Here are five things that happened in 2023 at Soul that we can’t help but celebrate together.
1. We launched our first Alpha
20 people experienced a safe environment where they could engage in conversations about life, spirituality, and the Christian faith.
Alpha is a resource that churches use to create a space and a culture where people are excited to bring their friends for conversations about faith. By coming together around a shared meal and intentional conversations, group participants are able to explore life, spirituality, and faith through a Christian lens in a relaxed and non-judgmental environment.
In 2021 our staff set the goal of making Alpha a key ministry of Soul Sanctuary and in Fall 2023 we launched our first Alpha. Our first three sections of Alpha included a mid-week group, and two Friday evening groups, targeting high school students and their parents. These groups launched in early October and were completed shortly before Christmas. Around 20 people experienced Alpha this semester.
As we plan for the future we are excited to make Alpha a regular part of our ministry at Soul. We are already looking ahead to the lauch of our next Alpha in early April 2024. Consider inviting your co-workers, family members, neighbours, and friends to attend Alpha with you in the new year.
2. We completed our 2022 Legacy Offering Initiatives
Last year we raised $150,000 to fulfill three vision-based initiatives. We followed through on our commitments by distributing those funds in a way that is making a positive change in our community.
Last year we raised $150,000 to fulfill three vision-based initiatives that would help us better actualize our vision of being a community of refuge, repair, and rejuvenation for all people. We’re excited to say that all three of our initiatives have been completed! First, recognizing the need for intentional investment in our Children’s Ministry, we came together to fund the salary of a dedicated Children’s Ministry Director. The raising of these funds has allowed us to hire Piper Naim in this role, and provides buffer time to engraft her salary into our regular operating budget. Second, recognizing the need to refresh our atrium space, we spent the summer executing plans that serve to make our atrium more functional and welcoming. We painted the walls, staircase, and railing, purchased a commercial grade coffee machine for Sunday coffee break and facility coffee service, purchased commercial grade conversational sets and cafe tables that provide atrium seating options, and installed new indoor facility signage. Third, we used the funds earmarked for production upgrades on replacing our stage lighting fixtures and on a number of technical improvements in our Production HQ.
3. Pastor Gerry went on a 5 Month Sabbatical
Pastor Gerry went on a 5 month sabbatical—his first in his 20 year tenure as Lead Pastor at Soul.
In mid-May Pastor Gerry commenced a 5 month sabbatical, the first sabbatical in his nearly 20 year tenure as Lead Pastor at Soul. During his sabbatical Pastor Gerry spent time in prayer, fasting, reading, resting, attending pastor-specific conferences, and visiting missions partners in Kenya and Ukraine. He spent intentional time with his wife, Sharon, and used the season away as a time to be refreshed and renewed.
Pastor Gerry returned to his duties at Soul in early-October and our community is glad to have him back. Together we look forward to the future as we wait and see how God will continue to use Soul Sanctuary to the praise of His glory.
4. We had our largest Groups Semester (Fall 2023)
This fall over 300 people joined a Group (Community Groups, Life Groups, Discipleship Groups).
Our Groups structure includes Community Groups, Life Groups, and Discipleship Groups. These three groups each play a unique role in ensuring that Soul Sanctuary can operate as a place of refuge, repair, and rejuvenation for all people. First, our Community Groups are places of refuge that allow people to experience welcome, initial connection, and community. Separated into Women, Men, and Young Adults, these groups are helpful to those who may not yet have any deep relationships with others at Soul or who are looking to make friendships and connections. Second, our Life Groups are places that foster deeper relational growth by doing life together on a personal scale through Bible study and social activity. Life Groups often read and discuss Scripture together and always pray together. Third and finally, Discipleship Groups provide an atmosphere of intentionality and accountability as members and leaders pursue Jesus and transformation into his image together. These groups work to cultivate spiritual disciplines and practices like prayer, solitude, study, silence, etc.
This fall over 300 people joined a Group, our largest Groups semester to date. We’re encouraged by seeing increasing participation in our groups as people make meaningful, life-giving connections.
5. We strengthened our Servant Leader Teams
275 individuals give their time in some capacity at Soul Sanctuary.
Starting with Team Training Day that was hosted on Saturday, September 9, our Staff worked diligently to strengthen and grow all of our Servant Leader teams. At Team Training Day Servant Leaders had the opportunity to receive ministry specific education and training, including Protection Policy training which serves to keep safe our community’s most vulnerable persons. We’ve also seen over 20 new Servant Leaders join our Soul Kids Servant Leader team this semester which has allowed us to better minister to our children and serve their families.
Looking Ahead to 2024
As we look ahead to 2024 we’re excited for everything God will continue to do through our community. We believe that Soul Sanctuary will continue to be used to impact Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and the world at large. We want to invite you to contribute to the future of Soul Sanctuary by giving a year-end gift to our Legacy Offering. The Legacy Offering serves to further a series of strategic vision-based initiatives in 2024 that will further our reach, deepen our impact, and make a difference in our community. All donations received by December 31, 2023 will appear on your 2023 Charitable Giving Statement.