New Series: Sundays

Why do you show up to Soul on Sunday mornings? What meaning is there in coming together in person to sing, pray, and hear a sermon preached from the Bible? 

Sundays is a five week sermon series that explores the “why” of our Sunday worship gatherings. Starting on September 10 we will examine the core elements of our Sunday worship gatherings and explore their historical and spiritual significance along with how they directly relate to Christian practice. Our goal is to gain a deeper understanding of why we do what we do as a church, and to be challenged to participate in our Sunday worship gatherings with greater passion and conviction.

Week 1: Why We Gather

Together we will explore the biblical foundation for gathering as a church community. We'll look to the early Christian church as an example for why assembling together is vital for the maturation of our faith.

Week 2: Why We Sing

Worship through song is a central part of our Sunday gatherings. Together we'll dive into the purpose and power of singing as a community.

Week 3: Why We Preach

Sermons are an integral part of our Sundays, but why do we listen to preaching? Together we'll explore the role of preaching in our spiritual formation and how it equips us for the Christian life. 

Week 4: Why We Pray

Each week we place a strong emphasis on praying together as prayer is our direct line of communication with God. Together we will explore the significance of communal prayer and its impact on our lives.

Week 5: Why We Give

Giving is a tangible expression of our faith, but why do we give as a congregation on Sundays? Together we will discuss the biblical principles behind giving and how it supports the mission of the church.

Through this sermon series, we desire to deepen your understanding of why we gather on Sundays and inspire a renewed passion for worship, community, and spiritual growth within our church family.


Summary of Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht's Medical Mission to Ukraine


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