Your Next Step: Water Baptism


Once you have accepted God’s gift of salvation, we encourage you to take the next step and publicly declare your decision to follow Christ through water baptism.

What is water baptism?

In water baptism, the believer is immersed and raised back up out of water. Water baptism is a picture of what Jesus did for us through His death, burial, and resurrection. It symbolizes the death of our old way of living and the entering into a new life in Christ as His fully devoted follower. 

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if any person is in Christ they are a new creation; the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the new has come!” Water baptism does not offer salvation, but is an outward representation of the inner transformation that already took place when you made Jesus Lord of your life. It is also a powerful testimony to others in your community that you are a follower of Jesus.

Whether you are a new believer, or have been a follower of Christ for some time and have not yet taken this step in your faith journey, water baptism may be your next step. If you would like to be water baptized or would like more information on water baptism, please click on the button below.


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