Sabbatical Announcement: A note from Pastor Gerry

A note from Pastor Gerry

On Sunday, January 4, 2004 we gathered together for the first time as a church. What an honour, joy, and privilege it has been to pastor this community. After nineteen years of consecutive service, it was unanimously suggested by our Steering Committee that I take a sabbatical. Having worked out the details with our Steering Committee, I will be on sabbatical from mid-May through to early October. This sabbatical will be a time where I can deepen my relationship with GOD, further my relationship with my family, and intentionally rest from the continuous demands of Christian ministry.

A sabbatical is an intentional time away from the everyday responsibilities of Christian ministry that is specifically aimed at reinvigorating and renewing the mind and heart of the pastor through rest, study, writing, reflection, and travel. Sabbatical provides intentional space to meaningfully drink deep of the riches found in Christ. Sabbatical is not a vacation, but a time for spiritual growth and refreshment.

During this time I plan on spending concerted time in prayer, fasting, reading, resting, attending pastor-specific conferences, and visiting some of our mission partners in the field. I will likely visit other churches, both locally and across the country, but let it be known that I am wholly committed to the Soul community. I do hope, in visiting other churches, to learn how their leaders have navigated seasons of sabbatical, to see how they minister to others, and to foster meaningful connections with other Christian leaders across our country. 

I hope to spend the first few weeks of my sabbatical relaxing, sleeping, reading, and finalizing preparations for the rest of my time away. I am excited to spend time with my children and grandchildren purely having fun! I plan to spend plenty of time with Sharon as we continually work to strengthen our marriage. I also plan on taking personal retreats where I can spend prolonged time studying GOD’s Word, communing with GOD in prayer and fasting, and reflecting on GOD’s goodness. I look forward to the ways GOD will speak to my heart during this season of rest without distraction. In part, this sabbatical is a time for your pastor to be renewed, to be given the permission and freedom to take a step back and prayerfully seek the Lord concerning the big picture of Soul Sanctuary over the next few years. 

While I am away I will be entrusting the weekly preaching and pastoral duties to our wholly capable staff. Soul Sanctuary, you’re in good hands.


Rev. Dr. Gerald Michalski


Easter Weekend at Soul


Steering Committee Leader in Training Nominations